How online class is taken from home during lockdown

This Blog is quite different from the rest given blogs because in the present blog I would like to address to all teachers, and the students. Because not everybody is accustomed to taking the online class due to the lockdown for COVID-19 pandemic time. People can not take classes offline in their regular mood. Cause colleges are shut down as well as universities, schools, and coaching institutes. This current pandemic affected our education the most. so this blog is basically to address all the teachers who are reading the blog right now. If you read this blog then it might give you an idea about how online class is taken from home during lockdown. So you need to understand how online classes can be taken.

online class

I, therefore, discussed some of the teaching tools or online classes applications and also have given some examples that might help you while taking an online class or schedule classes online. We know that in schools and colleges we deal with only a few registered students but in the current situation all are stuck in their home and everyone has access to the internet.  Now, you need to have some way to share your PowerPoints as most of the colleges and schools used PowerPoints or use a whiteboard for classes. You need to share your PowerPoint or your screen to explain things to students. For that purpose, you need three things.
    a) The first one is you need a good internet connection that you all have as you are reading my blog.
    b) second thing and this is input devices like tablet, mobile, laptop, etc.
    c)And  thirdly software from which you can take online classes.


Online education is a system of education that is delivered through the internet. Online education is learning that depends on the internet for teacher and student interaction and the distribution of the learning materials that students need to learn.


1. LIVE CLASS OR INTERACTIVE CLASS: Live class needs an input device and strong Internet connectivity. And so on software for taking our classes or represent our live class. In the live class, you need to use video streaming software. So what kind of software you need to use? There are some software names I have mentioned below:
        1)      Skype: Skype is software for video conferencing. Skype has limited features and you have to give everybody a particular Id to join or log in. I have conducted many online classes for a long time, you know people of 90% even from this generation are unaware of the internet. So they don’t have much knowledge about it. So there are big issues out there.
        1)      Zoom: Zoom is another screen sharing or teleconferencing software right now in terms of taking online sessions online. So this is more famous right now because the zoom is allowing more students or candidates as participants to join at a time. As well as build a class ID and give ID to your students and they can easily join your class. This is very easy.
                         Both Skype and Zoom have screen sharing option and this is very very important. Whatever software you choose you must look for a screen sharing option. Because when you are teaching something you have to put that thing on your PowerPoint.So you need to open your PowerPoint in your device and share your screen through these types of educational tools. And if you are taking a class online you must take your class from your desktop or laptop. You must not use a mobile device to take classes online, use a laptop or desktop as a teacher. Students can take a mobile or any other device to watch it. In both cases, students must have skype and zoom software in their devices to watch your class. For the live classes, the internet should be good. Good means the internet should be stable otherwise live class will be interrupted and people can't hear you properly. 


 2.RECORDED CLASS: But in a recorded class you don’t need a specific software; some free the software has done the trick or doesn’t need a strong internet connection. But you need input devices for some time. For the recorded class you can use youtube as a medium where you can record a video. You can record a video with any kind of camera you have. Many peoples have DSLR’s these days but if you don’t have then don’t worry you can use anything you have to shoot the video. So you can use your mobile phone for that purpose to full fill. Usually, a class takes 40 to 45 minutes. So for a person to record a class for 40 to 45 minutes you have to need available free space in your device as fill up memory space very fast while recording. After recording the video you can upload it on youtube. So the next thing that strikes in your mind is how to upload your video in youtubeFor that you can watch a video on youtube by just typing that quoted text. Here you can find lots more videos to understand the uploading method. In your youtube channel if you don’t want to share your video with everyone you can choose unlisted mood as youtube has three options private, public and unlisted mood. Unlisted mood means those who know the link can view your videos. So that only your students can watch your video online in that mood. For the recorded purposes you can record your video by any point of your time whenever you feel free. Maybe another thing has come into your mind that how can a student will ask you a question after watching the video. They can ask questions in the comment section of your video and you can reply to those to go through your comment section of the video. And another best way is you ask your student to put their queries in your WhatsApp number and eventually you van reply to those. Meanwhile, you can create a WhatsApp group including all the students you have maybe class wise. If everybody in the WhatsApp group so you can put your youtube link there and discusses the problems, questions answer later. This is the one way the pre-recorded version. But in this way the question-answer and query will be solved later through the WhatsApp group. 
                    So this is what you do as a teacher in this current time and I believe this blog is going to help you to take online classes from your home. Education is important for every child or student so why you give a chance to some pandemic to let you down for not doing your work.

Please give your valuable feedback on this post and please share this post with other educationalists and it will definitely help them. 

#Stay safe stay at home#


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